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Friday, 22 June 2012

Still Knitting.......

Just thought it was about time I checked in to Blogland.

Still knitting baby blankys. I'm now doing a pinky/white one. I have two blueish ones finished apart from the ends sewing in.

I am also busy crocheting some fingerless gloves. It was an idea I came up with when I was off work earlier in the year. So I thought it was about time I got on and made some more. I'm also crocheting some purses. I made one last year, just to have one to 'road test' myself. It seems to have held up quite well, considering the rough treatment it gets in my bag, so I am making  more. Though I am making one change to the design. I'm going to add a cotton lining to them to stop them from stretching so much.

Though, this does mean that I will HAVE to argue with  start to use my sewing machine! It really doesn't like me. It will work for everyone else, but not for me!

I have so many ideas for things to make, sometimes I really don't know where to start - so I can end up doing nothing at all. My workspace (or lack of it) is also very frustrating. I have things spread all over the house. I know that I have a 'particular something' that I need, but often have absolutely no idea where it might be stored, so I can waste an hour searching for something! Not good.....

 This is my Art space in the corner of the kitchen (or part of it) There are also a 4drawer filing cabinet, wheeled drawers and a chest of drawers  that is piled high on top of it. Then theres the stuff that has to live in the Living Room and the Bedroom. Wool, fabric, cross stich threads and fabric! The list goes on and on..................

I have had my name down on the waiting list at a local Artists Studio for the past 5 years. I go to many of the events and Open Studios that they run and have got to know some of them well.  Last month, completely out of the blue, I was contacted and asked if I was still interested in having a Studio. So, would I like to go in with a selection of my work for an interview?  I was there like a shot!  Thing was, with other things that were going on at the time, I only had 3 days to get things  sorted (and made!). The interview was good, though. I was very nervous( read-terrified!) but I just decided to be myself and it all seemed to go ok. Sadly I didn't get the studio space as the artist that I was going to be sharing the space with, changed her mind about sharing!  Maybe next time x

So, I must go now, my knitting is calling ( not to metion the kids)